Wattpad · Writing

Read More, Stress Less


Evening readers, writers, bloggers and weirdos,

Just a short post tonight despite the fact I’m well overdue to grace these pages with a few more words. I have a post planned about what it is like to leave Michael and Sarah behind and write something new, but in the meantime I wanted to mention a lovely comment that someone left me on Wattpad.

It’s always gratifying as a writer when someone tells you that reading your stories has helped them through a tough time in their life. I understand this all too well. Writing was my therapy, my counsellor and my haven when I needed an escape but when someone – someone who doesn’t know you and who you have never met – goes out of their way to tell you that your writing has somehow helped them, well, it leaves you feeling very humble, touched and proud.

This happened to me today so to the person who left me this comment, thank you so very much.

Read more. Stress less. Even if just for the short time that you find yourself amongst those pages.

Linz xxx

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